Baltic Dores, UAB (code 300033380) was founded in 2004-06-11. Its main activity is building services. Company belongs to 1 shareholder (individual person).
UAB Baltic Dores įmonės veiklos yra: pastatų šiltinimas, remonto darbai, privačių namų statyba ir apdailos detalių gamyba.

Baltic Dores

(2) Construction company in Kaunas, Lithuania
Address: Gimnazijos g. 7A, Kaunas, 44260 Kauno m. sav., Lithuania
Phone: +370 612 03414
Baltic Dores, UAB. Giedros g. 10 (Šilainiai), 48286 Kaunas. Atsidarys pirmadienį 8.00. Call · Website · Email. Get directions. Google maps waze. Giedros g.
BALTIC DORES, UAB ; Address: Giedros g. 10, Kaunas ; Phone: (+370 612) 03414 ; Fax: (+370 37) 209075 ; Director: Rasa Pilybienė ; Website:
The Baltic Power offshore wind farm is located within the Polish EEZ in the Baltic Sea of Poland with a total licensed power output of up to 1.2 GW. Development ...
Baltic dores, UAB job ads. Here you can find all jobs from this employer. Activate job offers notification to get new vacancies and job ads from this ...
Doris Baltic. 7 posts. 313 followers. 266 following. Photo by Doris Baltic on March 28, 2020. Photo by Doris Baltic on December 11, 2019.