a fold of peritoneum connecting the stomach with other abdominal organs.
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What is the function of the omentum?
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Is omentum the same as belly fat?
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The omenta are the fused peritoneal folds that attach the abdominal organs with one another. There are two omenta: the greater omentum; the lesser omentum.
a fold of peritoneum connecting or supporting abdominal structures (such as the stomach and liver) also : a fold of peritoneum free at one end.
The omenta are folds of peritoneum enclosing nerves, blood vessels, lymph channels, and fatty and connective tissue. There are two omenta: the greater ...
a free fold of the peritoneum connecting the stomach and certain other visceral organs: the greater omentum covers the stomach and intestines like an apron ...
The omenta serve both as boundaries for disease processes and as conduits for disease spread. The omenta are frequently involved by infectious, inflammatory, ...
May 1, 2007 · In this article, we review the normal omental anatomy, common disease processes of the omenta, and their characteristic CT features.
Omenta are fold-like structures of peritoneum that extend from the stomach and connect it to other abdominal organs.
The omentum is a peritoneum-coated membrane of abdominal fat derived from mesothelial cells nestling on the surface of the intra-peritoneal organs.
The peritoneal ligaments, mesenteries and omenta also serve as boundaries for disease processes and conduits for disease spread. The peritoneal cavity and its ...