55 Angelic Baby Girl Names That Mean Angel

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By In The Playroom

Welcoming a little girl into your life is like receiving a message from the heavens, a whisper of pure love and joy. It’s a magical moment that calls for a name as special as she is. If you’re seeking the perfect name for your little angel, one that resonates with the divine and sparkles with celestial grace, you’ve landed in the right place.

Our carefully curated list of angelic baby girl names is more than a baby name list; it’s a collection of ethereal whispers, each carrying profound meanings and stories.

Let’s explore names that echo the whispers of guardian angels and the celestial dance of seraphs.

angelic baby girl names

From names deeply rooted in religious texts to those inspired by the angelic figures of various cultures, we’ve left no stone unturned.

You’ll find names that have adorned famous examples throughout history, and others that are rare, unique gems waiting to be discovered. So, let’s unfold this list of girl names, each a bundle of joy with its own story, meaning, and a touch of the divine.

The Best Angelic Baby Girl Names 

As we get into this celestial collection, each name is more than just a string of letters; it’s a narrative, a personality trait, a reflection of heritage and hope. From the angelic girl names that have graced the pages of the Old Testament to those inspired by Greek mythology, every name carries the weight of its origin, be it a Biblical name, a Greek name, or an Arabic name.

Whether you’re charmed by the allure of an Irish girl name, drawn to the depth of a Greek girl name, or inspired by the rhythm of an Arabic name, our list is a mosaic of diversity and beauty.

angelic girl baby names

For the angel name seekers, the quest for the perfect moniker, be it a first name, a middle name, or even a unisex name, is a sacred journey. It’s about finding that unique girl name that echoes in the heart and resonates with the soul. It’s about honoring the angel of God in your life with a name that’s a gift of God itself.

  1. Angel – The most direct and universal of all, Angel truly encapsulates the essence of celestial beings. It’s a name that speaks directly to the purity, innocence, and guiding light that angels represent.
  2. Angelica – A classic name that seems to sing with the choirs of angels. Angelica, rooted in Latin, means “angelic,” fitting for your little girl who seems to have descended directly from a heavenly realm. In the Christian tradition, Angelica has been a popular name, symbolizing purity and divine connection.
  3. Angelisa – A melodic combination of ‘Angel’ and the suffix ‘isa,’ making it sound like a song. Angelisa carries the ethereal charm of angels with a personal, unique touch.
  4. Angelina – Meaning “little angel” or “messenger,” Angelina is a name that resonates with sweetness and light, an endearing choice that’s both classic and celestial.
  5. Angelique – Of French origin, meaning ‘angelic,’ Angelique is a name that sings with grace, beauty, and the charm of a divine messenger.
  6. Agnola – This Italian name, echoing the warmth of the Mediterranean sun, means “angel.” Agnola brings to mind the image of an angelic figure, watching over with love and grace. It’s a unique name, perfect for parents looking for something that combines tradition with a sense of uniqueness.
girl angel baby
  1. Aniela – A Polish variation of Angela, Aniela means “angel.” It’s a name that retains the classic beauty of its roots while adding a unique twist. Aniela is a harmonious blend of tradition and individuality, a name that sings with a gentle, angelic presence.
  2. Amariah – A Hebrew name meaning “God has said” or “promised by God.” Amariah carries a divine assurance, a name that resonates with the faithfulness and the profound promises of the celestial.
  3. Aingeal – This is the Irish word for “angel,” pronounced as ‘AN-gel’ or ‘AN-gyal.’ Aingeal carries the literal meaning of an angel, embodying purity, light, and divine protection. It’s a unique choice, rich with cultural depth and the enchanting essence of Irish heritage.
  4. Ariel – A Hebrew girl name meaning “lion of god,” the name Ariel carries a rich biblical narrative. It’s not just the name of an angel but also resonates with strength and leadership. Ariel, while popularized by Disney, holds its ground with its profound roots and the majestic aura it carries.
  5. Azraela – A feminine twist on Azrael, the angel of death in some traditions, known more so for the role of guiding souls to the afterlife. Azraela offers a name that is profound, with a touch of mystique and depth.
  6. Cael – A name of Gaelic origin, Cael is the name of the angel of the zodiac. It’s a unique name, with a melodic sound and a celestial connection that’s hard to overlook. The name Cael, while short and sweet, carries the expansiveness of the sky and the mystery of the stars.
black girl angel baby
  1. Cassiel – Cassiel is known in some traditions as the angel of solitude and tears. It’s a name that embodies quiet strength and the capacity for deep empathy and understanding. Cassiel is a name that resonates with a silent, profound presence, akin to a guardian watching over without intrusion.
  2. Celeste – Derived from the Latin word ‘caelestis,’ meaning heavenly or celestial, Celeste carries the ethereal, boundless beauty of the sky and the heavens.
  3. Celestine – Derived from the Latin word “caelestis,” meaning “heavenly,” Celestine carries the essence of the sky and stars. It’s a name that resonates with a celestial serenity, a heavenly name perfect for your little girl, whose presence is like a soothing, starry night.
  4. Celine – Originating from the Latin word ‘caelum’ meaning heaven, Celine has a heavenly charm and a gentle strength. It’s a name that resonates with the tranquility and vast beauty of the night sky.
  5. Charmeine – Charmeine is known in some traditions as the angel of harmony and balance. The name exudes charm, grace, and a soothing presence, perfect for a little girl who brings peace and joy to your life.
  6. Cherubina – Inspired by the cherubim, the celestial beings known for their innocence and purity, Cherubina is a name that carries a sense of divine protection and love. It’s a unique choice, echoing the timeless tales of guardianship and celestial care.
baby girl angel
  1. Ciela – Derived from the Spanish word ‘cielo,’ meaning sky or heaven, Ciela carries the vastness and beauty of the heavens in a soft, lyrical sound.
  2. Dara – A name of Hebrew and Khmer origin, Dara means “star” or “compassion.” In some traditions, it’s associated with wisdom and leadership. Dara is a name that combines the celestial with the compassionate, a guiding light in the form of a little girl.
  3. Dina – In Jewish traditions, Dina is known as the angel of conception, a name that resonates with life, creation, and new beginnings. It’s a name that symbolizes the profound connection between the divine and the mortal, a perfect choice for your little girl who marks a new chapter in life.
  4. Eden – Reminiscent of the biblical Garden of Eden, a paradise of peace and beauty, this name carries connotations of purity, innocence, and a heavenly bliss.
  5. Eliora – A beautiful Hebrew name meaning “God is my light.” Eliora carries a luminous quality, a name that seems to shine with an inner glow. It’s a name that speaks of guidance, hope, and the illuminating presence of the divine in life’s journey.
  6. Evangelia – A name of Greek origin, Evangelia means “bringer of good news,” echoing the role of angels as messengers. It’s a name that carries the melody of hope and positivity, a fitting tribute to your little girl who brings a new chapter of joy into your life.
baby girl angel
  1. Evangelina – This lovely name, meaning “bearer of good news,” mirrors the role of angels as messengers of God. Evangelina has a melodious ring to it, a name that sounds like a hymn of joy and positivity.
  2. Gabriella – Derived from the Hebrew language, Gabriella means “God is my strength.” It’s a popular baby name in the United States, often associated with the archangel Gabriel, the bringer of good news. Gabriella strikes a beautiful balance between grace and strength, making it a beautiful name choice for your daughter.
  3. Galatea – While not a traditional angel name, Galatea means “she who is milk-white” in Greek, reminiscent of the ethereal beauty and purity often associated with angels. It carries a classical elegance and a timeless charm.
  4. Gavriella – A Hebrew name meaning “God is my strength.” Gavriella is the feminine form of Gabriel, the archangel known as the messenger of God. This name combines celestial connection with a sense of inner strength and resilience, perfect for your little girl who embodies both grace and fortitude.
  5. Haniel – Haniel, a name of Hebrew origin, means “joy of God.” In tradition, Haniel is known as one of the archangels, often associated with love and harmony. This name encapsulates the essence of divine joy, a beautiful choice for your daughter who lights up your life with happiness.
black baby girl angel
  1. Hanielle – A delicate twist on the name of the archangel Haniel, known for joy and love. Hanielle carries a soft, melodic sound while still holding the depth and beauty of its angelic connection.
  2. Lailah – A name of Arabic origin, Lailah means “night.” In religious texts, Lailah is known as the angel of conception, guarding spirits before they enter the world. This name carries a sense of mystery, a connection to the unseen, and the guardianship of heavenly beings.
  3. Laelia – This name is of Latin origin and, while not directly angel-related, it carries a light and ethereal quality. Laelia was the name of a type of orchid in ancient Rome, often associated with beauty, delicacy, and grace.
  4. Liora – Meaning “light for me” in Hebrew, Liora has a gentle, luminous quality. It’s a name that seems to glow with an inner radiance, perfect for a little girl who lights up every room.
  5. Lysiel – A name with a lyrical sound, Lysiel is not directly derived from known angelic names but carries an angelic, ethereal resonance. It’s a name that seems to sing with celestial harmony, a beautiful, unique choice for your little girl, your very own angel.
  6. Malak – A name of Arabic origin, Malak means “angel.” It’s a name that is both simple and profound, carrying the direct connection to celestial beings. Malak is a perfect choice for those seeking a name that is straightforward in its divine connotation, yet rich in cultural depth and simplicity.
baby girl with angel wings pink
  1. Malaika – A name of Arabic and Swahili origin, Malaika means “angel.” It’s a popular name in various cultures, known for its lyrical sound and divine connection. Malaika is a name that carries the universal appeal of angels, a gentle reminder of the celestial guardianship that watches over your little girl.
  2. Michelle – A French girl name, Michelle, is the feminine version of Michael, meaning “Who is like God?” Michelle carries with it the legacy of archangel Michael, blending celestial strength with an earthy, approachable charm.
  3. Mikayla – A variant of Michaela, the feminine form of Michael, it carries the legacy of the archangel Michael, known for protection and strength. Mikayla brings a modern twist to a name of powerful traditional roots.
  4. Muriel – Muriel means “sea bright” in Celtic and is also known as the angel of the month of June and the sign of Cancer in some traditions. It’s a name that carries the freshness of the ocean and the warmth of summer sunshine.
  5. Neriah – This Hebrew name means “light of God,” a name that radiates with a celestial brightness. Neriah is a name that carries the promise of enlightenment and divine guidance, a beacon of hope and clarity in your daughter’s life.
  6. Nevaeh – ‘Heaven’ spelled backward and pronounced as ‘Nuh-VAY-uh,’ Nevaeh has emerged as a modern creation with a celestial connection, symbolizing serenity and a little piece of paradise.
angel baby
  1. Parisa – Though not directly related to angels, Parisa means “like a fairy” in Persian, carrying a sense of ethereal beauty, grace, and otherworldly charm.
  2. Phoenix – While not directly related to angels, the phoenix is a mythological creature that symbolizes rebirth and rising from the ashes. It conveys a sense of overcoming adversity and emerging stronger, which could be interpreted as a form of redemption or transformation.
  3. Raphaela – A name of Hebrew origin, Raphaela means “God has healed.” In tradition, Raphael is known as the healing angel, bringing comfort and guidance to those in need. Raphaela carries this legacy with a gentle yet profound touch, a perfect name for a little girl who brings healing joy into your lives.
  4. Razielle – Often a more masculine name, but with a soft sound that could be quite feminine, Raziel is known as the “keeper of secrets” and the “angel of mysteries” in Jewish mysticism. This name carries a sense of depth, wisdom, and the allure of the unknown.
  5. Renata – This name means “reborn” or “born again” in Latin. It carries a sense of renewal and could be seen as a nod to the idea of rising or being redeemed, which is a theme you might associate with the concept of a fallen angel
sleeping baby angel
  1. Sariel – Also derived from Hebrew, Sariel means “command of God.” Known as one of the angels who watch over the spirits, Sariel is a name that speaks of guidance, protection, and the profound relationship between the divine and the mortal realm.
  2. Selene – The goddess of the moon, Selene represents the celestial beauty of the night sky. It’s a name that carries the mystery and charm of the moon’s soft glow.
  3. Serah – A variant of Sarah, meaning “princess” in Hebrew, but also reminiscent of the seraphim, the highest order of angels known for their purity and closeness to God. Serah carries a delicate, noble quality, fit for a little girl of grace and dignity.
  4. Seren – While not directly meaning “angel,” Seren is a Welsh name that means “star.” It’s pronounced ‘SEH-ren.’ Stars often symbolize celestial guidance, akin to the role of angels as messengers and protectors. Seren carries a sense of heavenly beauty and cosmic wonder, aligning with the ethereal and angelic theme
  5. Seraphina  – Derived from the Hebrew language, Seraphina means “fiery ones,” referring to the seraphim, the highest-ranking angels. This name, with its melodious sound and profound meaning, is a tribute to the divine fire, the passion, and the light that your little girl brings into your life.
baby girl angel with green and flowers
  1. Seraphine – Derived from the biblical seraphim, the fiery angels, Seraphine is a name that resonates with a divine intensity and passion. It’s a name that carries the ethereal fire, a gentle yet powerful reminder of the celestial flame that burns with love and guidance.
  2. Talia – In Hebrew, Talia means “dew from God,” a name that brings to mind images of freshness, purity, and the gentle touch of the divine. It’s a name that’s both grounded and ethereal, perfect for a little girl who’s a perfect fit for your family.
  3. Vespera – Derived from Latin, meaning “evening star,” Vespera carries the beauty and tranquility of the twilight. It’s a name that evokes a sense of peace, a time when the world whispers lullabies under the watchful eyes of the stars.
  4. Yael – A Hebrew name meaning “mountain goat,” but its soft sound and connection to biblical stories give it a spiritual, graceful feel, much like the gentle presence of an angel.

Each of these names carries a whisper of the divine, a thread of the celestial narrative woven into the fabric of their meanings and origins. May your choice of name for your little angel resonate with the love, hope, and joy that she brings into your world.

These names, each with their own celestial melody and story, offer a diverse palette of choices for your little angel. Whether you’re drawn to the luminosity of Eliora, the serenity of Vespera, or the divine fire of Seraphine, each name is a verse in the greater celestial hymn, a perfect tribute to the heavenly presence of your little girl.

Choosing a name for your little girl is a journey of love, a quest to find the words that will capture her essence and her connection to the divine. Whether you’re drawn to the strength of Ariel, the warmth of Agnola, or the fiery spirit of Seraphina, each name on this list carries its own celestial melody and story.

In a world where names are not just labels but stories, choosing the perfect name is like choosing a narrative that will accompany your little angel throughout her life.

Remember, each name is more than just a collection of letters; it’s a whisper of the past, a song for the present, and a promise for the future. So, dear new parents, may your choice fill your life with as much joy and love as your little angel brings into your world. Happy naming!

More Baby Name Lists

We hope you’ve found inspiration and joy in this celestial collection of names. If these angelic names have touched your heart or sparked your imagination, we encourage you to share this heavenly journey with others.

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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