Getting Rid Of Your Man Boobs: A Guide To Everything You Need To Know

man boobs, guys, fitness, moobs, weight loss, supliments

If you are a guy with a large chest – aka, you have man boobs or moobs; whatever you like to call them, you may be feeling down about it. Man boobs, or gynecomastia as they are known in the medical world, are caused by excess fat and are a growing problem.

Over recent years, more and more men have reported suffering from a slightly larger than usual chest. Around 44 percent of men claim to hate the appearance of their chests due to man boobs, with many opting to fix the problem by going under the knife.

However, there are also plenty of non-cosmetic options for fixing man boobs. You see, the majority of moobs are caused by obesity. With the bulk of all man boobs being caused by being overweight, losing weight is probably one of the best options to combat the problem.

If you have man boobs, whether you are overweight or not, here are few things that you can do to help get rid of them:

Lose fat – The first thing that you should try when it comes to reducing the size of your man boobs is losing fat. Okay, so you can choose what area of the body you lose fat from, but by eating healthily and working out a little more, your chest should start to shrink.

Get your body fat percentage measured – a healthy amount for men is 22 percent, and start lowering it. The best ways to do this are by hitting the gym at least three or four times a week, and swapping junk food for healthy foods. Aim to cut down on the amount of foods you eat with a high amount of sugar in, and also foods that contain trans fats.

Take supplements – When it comes to burning fat and reducing the size of your man boobs, sometimes taking certain supplements can help. One of the best supplements you can take to help to get rid of your moobs in vitamin B6.

There are also specific supplements for reducing the size of your chest, such as Gynexin.

Build muscle

No matter how many press ups you do, you won’t budge your man boobs. However, what these types of exercise can do is build up the muscle underneath the fat. By building up the muscle under the fat, you can improve the shape and look of your chest.

You probably didn’t know this, but the higher muscle mass your body has, the more quickly it will burn fat. So if you want to get rid of those man boobs for good, the more muscle you can build, the better.

Getting rid of your man boobs will take time, but if you follow this advice, it is doable. Eat healthily – steer clear of fatty and sugary foods, exercise regularly, and build up muscle. Do these simple things, and within a few weeks, your chest will start to shrink.

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