
One Girl, One Dress, One Year: Get To Know The Uniform Project

When I first read about the Uniform Project, I was intrigued: One brave girl would wear the same dress every day for a year as an exercise in sustainable fashion. But when I actually saw what she was doing with this little frock, I was seriously impressed. Meet a smart woman on an admirable mission, after the jump.

When I first read about the Uniform Project, I was intrigued: One brave girl would wear the same dress every day for a year as an exercise in sustainable fashion. But when I actually saw what she was doing with this little frock, I was seriously impressed. Meet a smart woman on an admirable mission, after the jump.

Sheena Matheiken embarked on The Uniform Project on May 1 and has been wearing the same dress day in and day out since (and she's got more than 10 months left in it). It's all an effort to benefit the Akanksha Foundation, a grassroots organization in India that helps fund education (including school uniforms) in the country's slums.

Here's how it works: Sheena and a friend, a designer named Eliza Starbuck, put their heads together to create this staple dress that can be worn forwards, backwards, or as an open tunic. It's made from breathable cotton and there are actually seven of the exact same dress, one for each day of the week, to ward off any accusations of stinky-ness. She accessorizes only with things that have found their way to her, either from donations (click here to find out how to give her your old scarves and belts!), vintage stores, eBay, or good old fashioned hand-me-downs.

Isn't it kind of amazing what she's managed to create already in her first seven weeks? If I had a dollar for ever stupid last-minute fast fashion purchase I made in an attempt to spruce up my wardrobe, I'd be a very rich woman. Flipping through the photos at The Uniform Project, I totally get Sheena's point--you don't need 2,000 new things in your closet every year, especially when that money could be going to someone who really needs it, like underprivileged school children. I caught up with Sheena to get a bit more scoop on just how this project got started and what she expects from the next year of her life.

Slaves To Fashion: Are the memories of your childhood uniform negative or positive? Do you remember specifically trying to accessorize, stand out, etc. in a sea of girls dressed the same way?Sheena Matheiken: Positive. Uniforms in school were protective armor for me. Not unlike most teenagers, I was awkward and self-conscious about my appearance at that age. Not having to worry about what I had to wear was a welcome relief. Back then, I think I tried more to blend in than stand out. Now, I enjoy treading beyond my comfort zone just to keep things interesting.

STF: Where are you gathering inspiration from for your ideas? Will there by any repeats?

SM: Inspiration comes from all over and is more subliminal. I don't plan my outfits ahead of time unless it's a specific, themed ensemble. The waking hours will spark something depending on my state of mind and the typically unpredictable New York weather. I also tune in once in a while to some of my favorite fashion blogs (Stylebubble, Stylerookie, Lookbook, The Sartorialist) and visit local vintage and thrift stores for ideas. I'm also an eBay and Etsy loyalist. Music often inspires looks too. I'm trying not to repeat an ensemble as is, but you will surely see different permutations of things.

STF: Have you had many donations of accessories already?

SM: I started wearing the uniform on May 1st and the site went live on June 1st. Ever since the site launch, I've been bombarded with emails from people wanting to contribute, purge and even design accessories specifically for the project. It's been overwhelmingly positive. You will start seeing a lot of the donated items credited on the dailies soon. I am also planning to do more conceptual collaborations with artists and designers — that will happen later in the fall.

STF: Do you have any big weddings/events/etc this year that you'll need to wear the dress to? Any occasions where you might not be allowed to wear it? What will you do?

SM: I did attend a wedding recently. You can see the post on June 14th. The uniform will also be partaking in the mermaid parade in Coney Island this Saturday, June 20th. So look out for that one. I plan on appropriating the dress for any and all occassions, no exceptions.

STF: Are you sick of the dress yet?

SM: I adore the dress and the creativity it has spun for me on a daily basis. It's smart, versatile and durable. Eliza did a spectacular job. I'm now on my 7th week, we'll see how I feel six months down the line!

STF: In an ideal world, what would be the model for how women get dressed? Is there a happy medium between fast fashion/H&M where people throw things out constantly, and your extreme model? Do you think we can ever realistically reach that medium?

SM: I can't say there is any prescriptive model for how women should dress; it's subject to ones personal aesthetic and appetite. It's taken me years to find my personal style and now I'm trying to keep things interesting by pushing those boundaries without consuming indecorously. I try my best to find things at vintage and thrift stores and flea markets and then appropriate them, instead of accumulating cheap, new and crispy items that you may wear just once.

STF: What do you do for a living? How has the reaction been around your office to The Uniform Project?

SM: I am a creative director at an interactive agency in New York. My colleagues are very supportive and excited about the project. My boss's mom is a huge fan.

To learn more about Sheen and her mission, check out photos of her daily looks, or donate to her cause, head over to The Uniform Project's website.

And then...let's discuss. What do you think of Sheena's mission? Would you be able to wear the same dress every day for a year? Are you guilty of being a fast fashion addict, like me? Has she inspired you to make moves towards more sustainability in your wardrobe?

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