Ernestine Shepherd demonstrates exercise is the best anti-aging pill

Deidre Wengen
Ernestine Shepherd

Keeping yourself in shape as you grow older had many benefits, but body builder Ernestine Shepherd believes exercise is the best anti-aging pill.

Shepherd is 74 years old and was recently inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest female body builder. This woman proves that age is just a number.

She didn't begin her exercise journey until she was in her 50s when her sister, Mildred Blackwell, convinced her to join aerobics and start weight lifting. Shepherd's sister had big dreams and big goals when it came to being a senior fitness star.

But Blackwell passed away and Shepherd fell off from her healthy routine as she struggled with the loss.

However, at the age of 70, Shepherd began to train harder than ever and began to believe that her career as a winning body builder could actually happen.  

Now Shepherd competes in world-wide competitions and works as a fitness trainer and instructor. She has completed over nine marathons and trains with former Mr. Universe Yohnnie Shambourger. She also follows a strict diet to help keep her active and in shape. All meals are prepared by her supportive husband Collin Shepherd.

This woman has an incredible inspiring story and she shows that anybody at any age can get up, get moving and change their lives. Check out the video clip for more information about Ernestine and her impressive fitness feats.