Gardening Houseplants Types of Houseplants

How to Grow and Care for Monstera Siltepecana

Slightly raised angle of Monstera Siltepecana

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak

Monstera siltepecana, also known as silver monstera 'El Salvador', is a tropical plant native to Mexico and Central America that's often grown as a houseplant. This climbing epiphytic vine is known for its lance-shaped juvenile leaves with silvery markings against dark green veins. In the proper conditions, mature Monstera siltepecana leaves can develop fenestrations, or holes, and lose their silvery color in favor of a deeper green. Note that Monstera siltepecana is toxic to people and pets.

 Common Name:  Silver monstera
 Botanical Name:   Monstera siltepecana
 Family:   Araceae
 Plant Type:   Perennial, Vine
Mature Size:   8 ft. tall, 3 ft. wide
 Sun Exposure:   Partial
 Soil Type:   Moist, Well-drained
 Soil pH:   Acidic, Neutral
 Hardiness Zones:   9-11 (USDA)
 Native Area:   Central America, North America (Mexico)
 Toxicity:   Toxic to humans, dogs, and cats

Monstera Siltepecana Care

  • Put in a place with bright, indirect light.
  • Plant in rich, well-drained potting mix.
  • Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Fertilize with a balanced houseplant fertilizer monthly during the growing season.
  • Support the plant with a trellis or moss pole so it can climb as it matures.
Front view of Monstera Siltepecana

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak

Raised view of Monstera Siltepecana

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak

Closeup of Monstera Siltepecana leaves

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak

Closeup of new Monstera Siltepecana unfurling

The Spruce / Anastasia Tretiak


Keep Monstera siltepecana in a place that gets lots of bright, indirect light or filtered light. Give your plant adequate light and provide a trellis for it to climb to encourage it to develop fenestrations as it matures.

What Are Fenestrations?

Fenestrations are the splits or openings in the leaves of some plants, including many types of monstera. Fenestrations develop in mature Monstera siltepecana plants that get the proper light, moisture, trellising, and climate.


Monstera siltepecana grows best in rich, well-drained soil. You can use a ready-made aroid potting mix or make your own mix by combining equal parts peat moss or coconut coir, perlite, organic compost, and orchid bark.


Water your Monstera siltepecana when the top few inches of soil have dried out. Avoid letting the plant sit in water, which can lead to root rot.

Temperature and Humidity

Monstera siltepecana grows best in conditions similar to its native jungle habitat. Temperatures between 60 and 95 degrees and humidity above 60 percent are ideal. Keep the plant away from cold, drafty windows and hot or cold air vents. If your space is particularly dry, run a humidifier near your plant to add moisture to the air.


Feed Monstera siltepecana with a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength once per month during the growing season. Stop fertilizing in the fall. As winter transitions to spring, keep an eye on the plant's growth. New foliage is a sign to begin fertilizing for the season.

Types of Monstera Siltepecana

Silver monstera 'El Salvador' (Monstera siltepecana 'El Salvador'): This rare type develops larger, mature leaves at a smaller size than Monstera siltepecana.


Trim away dead or damaged leaves as you see them. Mature Monstera siltepecana plants love to climb, so prune them back if they outgrow their space or start to get leggy. It's best to prune in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. Avoid removing more than 25 percent of the plant when pruning. You can use the portions you prune away to propagate into new plants.

Propagating Monstera Siltepecana

You'll have the most success propagating Monstera siltepecana during spring and summer. You can propagate this plant in soil or in water. Here's how to do it.

Propagating Monstera Siltepecana in Soil

You'll need a small plant pot, potting mix, sterilized pruners, rooting hormone powder (optional), and water.

  1. Choose a healthy stem on the mother plant that has at least two leaves growing from the tip. Cut a six-inch length just below a leaf node. Trim away the leaves on the lower half of the cutting.
  2. Fill the plant pot with potting mix and water it well to moisten. Poke a hole a few inches deep in the soil with your finger.
  3. Dip the bottom end of the stem in rooting hormone, if using. Plant the cutting in the soil so that the nodes on the lower half of the stem are below the soil line.
  4. Keep the cutting in a warm place with bright, indirect light. New foliage indicates that the cutting has rooted. You can pot it up and care for it as usual.

Propagating Monstera Siltepecana in Water

To propagate this plant in water, you'll need a small glass or jar, sterilized shears, and water.

  1. Take a six-inch tip cutting from a healthy stem on the mother plant, making sure it has two or three leaves at the end. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting.
  2. Fill the jar halfway with tepid water. Place the cutting in the jar. Add water if needed to ensure that the nodes on the lower half of the stem are submerged.
  3. Put the cutting in a warm place with bright, indirect light. Over the next several weeks, roots will emerge from the submerged nodes on the stem. When they're at least an inch long, you can pot up the cutting and care for it as usual.

Potting and Repotting Monstera Siltepecana

Repot Monstera siltepecana with fresh soil every two to three years or when the plant is root-bound. Signs of a root-bound plant include roots growing from the hole in the bottom of the pot, roots crowding the top of the soil or wrapping around the shape of the container, and stunted growth. Always use a pot that offers good drainage, and only go up one pot size when repotting. Ceramic, metal, and plastic pots work well, but terracotta or other porous materials will wick away moisture too quickly for this plant.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases 

Everyday houseplant pests like aphids, mealybugs, scale, and others can affect Monstera siltepecana. watch for signs of infestation and act quickly to remove pests. You can dab them away with a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol or remove them with horticultural soap.

Common Problems With Monstera Siltepecana

Keep an eye on your Monstera siltepecana to catch these symptoms of common plant problems.

Leaves Turning Yellow

Yellow leaves are often a sign of overwatering, but they can also indicate underwatering. Check the plant's soil. If it's very dry, give the plant a good soaking. Going forward, water when the top few inches of soil have dried. If the soil is soggy and you've been watering frequently, stop watering until the soil has fully dried out. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can kill the plant.

Leggy Growth

If your Monstera siltepecana's stems are long but the leaves are spaced far apart, the plant may not be getting enough light. As the plant reaches for the light source, it will get etiolated, or leggy, and the foliage will get sparse. Prune away leggy portions of the plant and move it to a place with more light.

Browning Tips

Browning tips can indicate a lack of humidity around your plant. Group it together with other humidity-loving tropicals to create a more humid microclimate. If possible, run a humidifier near the plant.

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  1. Swiss Cheese Plant.