Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Anglistik und Amerikanistik"“ iš
This book presents a collection of twelve interviews with eminent English contemporary writers held during a period of four years.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Anglistik und Amerikanistik"“ iš
Résumés en allemand et en anglais sur la quatrième de couverture.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Anglistik und Amerikanistik"“ iš
As representatives of the other, monsters express anxieties, fears, and wishes with regard to human self-definitions and relationships.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Anglistik und Amerikanistik"“ iš
This study examines the body politics in the last four novels Carter wrote between the seventies and the nineties: The Infernal Desire Machines, The Passion of New Eve, Nights at the Circus and Wise Children.