Užklausa „fome“ iš
Our present actions will be decisive in achieving a more equitable and sustainable world. This book provides an opportunity to recall the achievements realized so far and inspire our future efforts.
Užklausa „fome“ iš
This thesis explores the role of Brazil's Food Acquisition Program (Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos or the PAA) in facilitating food security and food sovereignty.
Užklausa „fome“ iš
... fome of veluet , fome of grogram , fome of taffetie , some of fcarlet , and fome of fine cloth , of ten , twentie , or fortie fhillings a yard . But if the whole gowne be not filke or veluet , then the fame fhall be layed with lace ...
Užklausa „fome“ iš
... fome Wild Vine amongst ; and the Ground fet with Violets , Strawberries , and Primrofes ; for these are sweet , and ... fome with Wild Thyme , fome with Pinks , fome with Germander , that gives a good Flower to the Eye ; fome with ...
Užklausa „fome“ iš
... fome lying on hard flock - beds , but the most fleeping on harder bordes : fome with course sheetes and thinne couerings , the rest in fteade of a hap harlot , or other couerture , heauy Irons ; fome high lawyers , fome for walking ...
Užklausa „fome“ iš
... fome white , fome red , fome yellow , and fome blew . All of them yeelde a very white andfweete flowre : beeing vfed according to his kinde it maketh a very good bread . Wee made of the fame in the countrey fome mault , whereof was ...
Užklausa „fome“ iš
... fome refpect a- mong honeft men : so I trust they haue done fome good , in which I shall some day find comfort ; seeing for that which is amiffe in them I haue bene put to penance already , both in expenses and restraint of libertie ...
Užklausa „fome“ iš
... fome de- gree . He goes fo far indeed to af- fert , that whatever will calcine to lime , is in fome degree luminous ; but he confeffes that the Bolognian ftone is the only one which will re- tain its qualities for any length of time ...
Užklausa „fome“ iš
... fome hunt after him to shoot him , got into a window , fnatched up an Infant , ran to the house top , and held the 1.7 . c.20 . child for a buckler between him and the Arch- 2 P.227 . dark - coloured , mixt with red. occafion afore to be ...