'' from
... ilignus and iligneus from ilex , but abiçgnus ( with e , according to Priscian , i . p . 82. 8 H. ) from abies ; the old religious term for a sheep , brought with its two lambs to the sacrifice , is given by Paul . Fest . as ambegna ( 4 ...
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... ilignus from St. ilec ; salignus from St. salic , Gr . ¿ λíkŋ ( the willow , in Arkadia ) ; dignus connected by Curtius with decet , decus , Skr . das'as ( glory ) , Gr . Sokéw , but by others with Skr . dis ( to point out ) , Gr ...
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... ilignus , colurnus ; a corylo , ilice , ficu , quercu . Servius . Glandes stringere ] Legere , excutere . Taubmann . 306 Cruenta myria ] Id est , matura . Quia matura cruoris colorem imitan- tur . Servius . 307 Pedicus ] Laqueos ...
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... ilignus 216 . illac 343 . 187 , 296 . gremium 141 . hillae 144 . hir 144 , 305 . hira 144 . illecebra 220 . illex 139 . gressus 206 . grex 135 . grundire 216 . grunnire 216 . grus 296 . gula 114 . gungrum 73 . gurdus 141 . gurges 135 ...
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... ilignus , qver- neus , quernus , saligneus , salignus , populneus ( rarely populnus , also populeus ) , faginus ( connecting vowel i ) , cedrinus . In the same way we find eburneus , eburnus , coccinus , coccineus , and adamantinus ...
'' from
... Ilignus , a , um . adj . of Illatratio , ônis . f . 3. a barking at . holm . Illatro , are . neut . 1. to bark against . Illâtûrus , a , um . pt . about to bring Iliosus , a , um . adj . broken winded . Illăběfactus , a , um . pt ...
'' from
... ilignus ( -ceus ) , a , um , of holm . Ilion ( -um ) , i , N. , Troy . † Ilithyia , ¿ , Lucina . illâ , by that way . illabefactus , a , um , unbroken . illâbor , laps- , 3 , glide or fall upon . illabôrâtus , a , um , untoiled - for ...
'' from
... ilignus ; quercus , querneus , or quernus ; populus , populneus , or populnus . From fagus and cedrus , however , we have faginus and cedrinus , in which the is the connecting vowel . In like manner we have eburncus and eburnus , from ...
'' from
... ilignus , qverneus , qvernus , populneus ( rarely populnus , also populeus ) , faginus ( connecting vowel i ) , cedrinus . In the same way we find eburneus , eburnus , coccinus , coccineus , and adamantinus , chrys- tallinus . The ...
'' from
... ilignus , vi ilicca trabes Statio fexto Thebaidos : ilignea frons , quam Columella libro undecimo bubus pr¿- bendam cenfet , Vulgus noftrum ilicem vocat , Du houx ou du houifon : unde etiam ilicetum , Vne houslaye . Surgentem focus ...