... Lt. , Yorks . L.I. , T.F. , July 27th ; F. W. Hicks ( Sec . Lt. , Lond . R. , T.F. , Oct. 14th ; W. D. Blatch ( It ... Savi ( Lt. , R.D.C. , T.F. ) , and to be Hon . Lt. , Oct. 19th ; G. M. Badley ( Lt. , Linc . R. , T.F. ) , and ...
... ( Lt. , Sask . R. , C.E.F. ) , and to be Hon . Lt. Percy William Smith ( 2nd Lt. , R. Fus . ) . Laurence Beavis ( 2nd Lt. , S. Staff . R. , T.F. ) . G. B. Savi ( Lt. , R.D.C. , T.F. ) , and to be Hon . Lt. Guy Mackinder Badley T.F. ...
William Verner Ellis , Lt. Col Indian Staff Corps p.s.c. John Spence , Lt. Col. h.p. Yorkshire Light Infantry , D.4 ... Savi , Lt. Col. Royal Engineers William Sedgwick , Lt. Col. Royal Engineers .. Andrew Wilson Baird , Lt. Col ...
Bijal Vachharajani. Chapter 2 Definitely Dead " Savi ! Savi ! SAVIIIIII ! " Mom called out . " The trucks are here ! We've already begun unloading . " I kept staring outside our window , pretending not to hear . Not that not - hearing ...
... Lt. Col. ret . pay late N. Staff R. Rybot , Hon . Lt. - Col . G. O. , Maj . r.f.p. late R. ( Ben . ) Art . Ryder ... Savi , Lt. Col. T. B. B. , ret . pay late R. Eng . ( Ind . Pens . ) 18 Dec.88 Savile , Lt. Col. A. R. , ret pay ...
Set in various literary contexts, these stories offer a glimpse into different aspects of life and provoke deep introspection on the part of the reader.