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... xerophthalmos and is usually sufficient to establish an office diagnosis of xerophthalmos . The minimum score is 0 crosses and the maximum 6 crosses . The more crosses the patient has , the more certain is the diagnosis of xerophthalmos ...
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... xerophthalmos . Murube - del - Castillo J , et al . Clin Exp Rheumatol 1989 Mar - Apr ; 7 ( 2 ) : 145-50 ( 54 ref ... TL , et al . N Engl J Med 1989 Jul 6 ; 321 ( 1 ) : 16-24 ( 201 ref . ) Phagocyte function in reactive arthritis ...
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... Xerophthalmos , m . Mel . T. 1 . a dry , inflamed eye ; 2. vid . Xeroph thalmie . * Xerosis , f . drying ... lt , blind piles ; compos . -nblatt , n . dented leaf ; -nhorn , n . horn with branches ; -nkamm ,, m . tooth - comb ...