xeromorphy and xerophytism. Plant-water ... Ginzburg C (1966) Xerophytic structures in the roots of desert ... Hanes TL (1965) Ecological studies on two closely ...
Aug 27, 2024 · Xerophyte, any plant adapted to life in a dry or physiologically dry habitat (salt marsh, saline soil, or acid bog) by means of mechanisms ...
Xerophyte adaptations are numerous. The development of a waxy cuticle around plant tissues like leaves and stems helps prevent water loss during transpiration.
Xerophytes are plants that are adapted to very dry conditions with a lot of sun exposure, like cacti and succulents. Xeric environments, or desert-like ...
xerophytism, n. meanings, etymology, pronunciation and more in the Oxford English Dictionary.
(botany) The adaptation of plants to habitats where water is scarce.
The meaning of XEROPHYTE is a plant adapted for life and growth with a limited water supply.
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