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Aug 27, 2024 · 1. to be extremely joyful : rejoice; the team exulted in their victory. 2. obsolete : to leap for joy; exultingly.
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verb (used without object). to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy; rejoice exceedingly; be highly elated or jubilant: They exulted over their victory.
exalt/ exult. To exalt, means to glorify or elevate something, but to exult is to rejoice. Exalt your favorite pro-wrestler, Jesus, or your status in the world.
Meaning of exult in English ... to express great pleasure or happiness, especially at someone else's defeat or failure: exult at They exulted at their victory.
EXULT meaning: 1 : to feel or show great happiness often + at, in, or over; 2 : to say (something) in a very excited and happy way.
New Volume Mixer to set individual volumes for music, sfx and speech; Cheat Screen overhauled so the options can now be activated by clicking or touching; Much ...
Meaning of exult in English ... to express great pleasure or happiness, especially at someone else's defeat or failure: exult at They exulted at their victory.
From Middle French exulter, from Latin exsultô, frequentative of exsiliô (“jump up”), from ex- + saliô (“jump, leap”).
exult. verb. 1. To feel or express an uplifting joy over a success or victory: crow, glory, jubilate, triumph. 2. To feel or take joy or pleasure: delight, joy, ...
Be encouraged to exult, rejoice, dance, sing, and tremble before the LORD. Enjoy the story of how Dr. Bringe's own field was renewed each day with newly ...