The Witch of Atlas is a major poetic work of the English romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley written in 1820 and published posthumously in 1824
The Witch of Atlas I. BEFORE those cruel Twins, whom at one birth Incestuous Change bore to her father Time, 50 Error and Truth, had hunted from the Earth All ...
The poem introduces a powerful and enchanting witch who resides in a cavern on Mount Atlas. Her beauty captivates all living beings, which she influences ...
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The Witch of Atlas

The Witch of Atlas

Percy Bysshe Shelley knyga
3,5/5 · Goodreads
„Atlaso ragana“ yra pagrindinis anglų romantiško poeto Percy Bysshe Shelley poetinis kūrinys, parašytas 1820 m. ir 1824 m. po mirties paskelbtas rinkinyje „Pomirtiniai eilėraščiai“. Vikipedija (anglų k.)
Pirmą kartą išleista: 1824 m.
A Lady Witch there lived on Atlas mountain Within a cavern by a secret fountain. Her mother was one of the Atlantides.
“The Witch of Atlas” in ottava rima (both 1820; published 1824) combine the mythopoeic mode of Prometheus Unbound with the urbane self-irony.
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The Witch of Atlas is a narrative poem written by Percy Bysshe Shelley. It tells the story of a witch who lives on an island called Atlas and possesses magical ...
2022-09-19 · Consciously fanciful and virtuosic, “The Witch of Atlas” has often drawn dissatisfied or dismissive responses.
Title: Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Witch Of Atlas & Other Longer Poems: Our Sweetest Songs Are Those Of Saddest Thought. Author: Shelley, Percy Bysshe (Author).
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The Witch of Atlas. Percy Bysshe Shelley. 3.53. 83 ratings ... PoetryClassicsFantasyWitchesRomanticism. 48 pages, Paperback. First published January 1, 1820.