Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
In this book, Brazilian Leonardo Boff, Franciscan priest and professor of theology, joins other contemporary theologians in defending both the truth and the practical value of the doctrine of the Trinity.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
Transsexual, transgendered and intersex people have become increasingly more visible since the 1990s, but the churches have been slow to recognize their lives and their contributions to theology and the churches.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
They ask what it is that we experience. This book aims to explore the concept of the emerging divine within human and non-human relationality.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
The doctrine of "the covenant of works" arose to prominence in the late sixteenth century and quickly became a regular feature in Reformed thought.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
This in-depth study explores the history and philosophy of India's major religions, explaining clearly the development of Buddhism, Yoga, and Hinduism over the centuries.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
Accounting for this seeming paradox is the focus of this volume. If women undergird the foundations of religion but are leaving in large numbers, why are they leaving? Where are they going? What are they doing?
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
"Although some essays have been published in earlier works, everything in this volume has been carefully revised and, in some cases, abridged.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
This in-depth study explores the history and philosophy of India's major religions, explaining clearly the development of Buddhism, Yoga, and Hinduism over the centuries.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
This volume brings together decades of research in philosophical theology on the concepts of justice, art, and liturgy.