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This groundbreaking work by Darrell Bock thoroughly explores the theology of Luke’s gospel and the book of Acts.
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This work is a presentation of the truth of Jesus Christ from the viewpoint of liberation - from Jesus's options for the poor, his confrontation with the powerful and the persecution and death this brought him.
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Including essays from 2009 Wheaton Theology Conference keynote speakers Dallas Willard and Gordon Fee as well as contributing essays by noted presenters such as Chris Hall, David Gushee, Linda Cannell, Cherith Fee Nordling and Lawrece ...
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This unique book uses life cycle theory to focus on the person who ministers, providing a pastoral model consisting of three important dimensions.
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Revealing a wealth of vital models for doing radical theological thinking, Altizer discusses the work of philosophers such as Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Marion, Derrida, and Levinas, among others.
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Based on the 2018 Wheaton Theology Conference, this volume brings together the thoughts of leading theologians, historians, literary scholars, and church leaders who engaged in theological dialogue with Robinson's work—and with the author ...
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The great theme, around which all of this is centered, is that of God's grace as the power to change human character itself. This book shows what faith and grace are really about.
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
Featuring contributions from a number of well-known evangelical scholars, this comprehensive study sets forth a biblical understanding of the love of God from the perspectives of systematic theology, biblical theology, ethics, apologetics, ...
Užklausa „bibliogroup:"Theology Series"“ iš
This unique book uses life cycle theory to focus on the person who ministers, providing a pastoral model consisting of three important dimensions.