Gimė: 1812 m. vasario 11 d., Taliaferro County, Džordžija
Mirė: 1883 m. kovo 4 d., Atlanta, Džordžija
Partija: JAV demokratų partija
Ankstesnės pareigos: Džordžijos gubernatorius (1882 m.1883 m.), Atstovų Rūmų narys (1873 m.1882 m.), Amerikos konfederacijos valstijų viceprezidentas (1861 m.1865 m.) ir daugiau
Išsilavinimas: University of Georgia ir Franklin College
Aukštis: 5 ft 7 in
A Constitutional View of the Late War Between the States: Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results. Presented in a Series of Colloquies at Liberty Hall
1868 m.
The Correspondence of Robert Toombs, Alexander H. Stephens, and Howell Cobb
Recollections of Alexander H. Stephens
The Reviewers Reviewed
1872 m.
Prophecy and Fulfillment: Speech of A.H. Stephens, of Georgia, (vice-president of the So-called Confederate States) in Opposition to Secession in 1860. Address of E.W. Gantt, of Arkansas, (Bridgadier-General in the Confederate Army) in Favor of Reunion in 1863
1863 m.
Speech of Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, on the Admission of Minnesota and Alien Suffrage; Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 11, 1858
1858 m.
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