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Užklausa „inauthor: Frank R. Stockton“ iš
... in author, nn English gentleman with a .Inc heart and a somewhat whimsical ... R:dgwoy d gwoy discusses tho comparative merlls of European and American ... Frank R. Stockton; "The Singing of a Bird," a story by Julian Hawthorne ...
Užklausa „inauthor: Frank R. Stockton“ iš
... Frank K Stockton, author of "The La-iy,orthe T'cer? " et-'., begins in November. Two novelettes by • ieo. \\. Cable, -tones by ?>[ vry H;.llo<-k Foot. "I ncle Komus." Julian Ha\uhornc, Ivlward r ... in author of " 'IYm Li'e in Siberia." who ...