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2023-12-18 · ... Kurt Schwitters,52 who stated that the letter, not the word is the original material of poesy. Unlike words, letters have no meaning or connotations, only ...
2024-11-17 · The Ballard character was first featured in author Michael Connelly's The Late Show circa 2017, after which she appeared in Dark Sacred Night, The Night Fire ...
2024-02-13 · In the International Encyclopedia of Pseudonyms approximately 635,000 pseudonyms are attributed and deciphered for around 270,000 biographical entries. Volumes ...
2024-06-17 · Moeller; * 23. April 1876 in Solingen; † 30. Mai 1925 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Kulturhistoriker, Staatstheoretiker und völkisch-nationalistischer Publizist.