This collection refers to the European settlements in North America through independence, with emphasis on the history of the thirteen colonies of Britain.
Trūksta: inauthor: | Rodyti rezultatus su:inauthor:
Autor, Stella S. Coatsworth ; Editor, Church, Goodman & Donnelley, printers, 1865 ; Original de, Universitat de Michigan ; Digitalitzat el, 23 Nov. 2005 ; Nre. de ...
Trūksta: inauthor: | Rodyti rezultatus su:inauthor:
2013-12-30 · By Judi Carter. Joe Dunn, physical educa- tion teacher at North and South. Elementary Schools, was se- lected as Elementary Physical.
2020-10-11 · Yet behind the nimble innovation, imaginative eclecticism, and enforced transformations recorded here, the college abides, as it has done for.
A list of books, pamphlets, serials, and contributions to periodicals for which renewal registrations were made during the period covered by this issue.
Skip to main content. Utopian Literature in English: An Annotated Bibliography From 1516 to the Present. by Lyman Tower Sargent ...
... S. Buacalla, Maynooth. 249, 6,066, 19 Oct 1922, Miles, A. H., Fifty-Two Stories ... Stella, Great-Grandmother's Shoes [A Story for Children], Wells Gardner, nd ...
The author spent two years as a “participant observer” in the sugar—worker communities of Sugartown, Orange Grove, and Mocca. Combines household surveys and ...
The sketch is based on the author's interviews with 24 men and women who lived on company farms. 2. Euraque, Reinterpreting the Banana Republic, 42–43. 3.