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Frank Richard Stockton (April 5, 1834 – April 20, 1902) was an American writer and humorist, best known today for a series of innovative children's fairy ...
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2024-10-24 · American popular novelist and short-story writer of mainly humorous fiction, best known as the author of the title story of a collection called The Lady, or ...
Humorist and novelist Frank Stockton, best known for his work in St. Nicholas Magazine, was born in Blockey Township.
Looking for books by Frank R. Stockton? See all books authored by Frank R. Stockton, including The Bee-Man of Orn, and The Lady, or the Tiger? and Other ...
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Frank R. Stockton was a popular American author of the nineteenth century. He wrote didactic short stories and fairy tales, including many for children.
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Frank R. Stockton · A Critical Biography · Description. This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015 ...
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The Novels and Stories of Frank R. Stockton.: V. 22 ; Returns. 30-day refund/replacement ; Print length. 364 pages ; Language. English ; Publication date. April 27, ...
When Francis Richard Stockton was born on April 5, 1834, the Stockton family had been established in New Jersey for nearly two hundred years.
2009-11-09 · The novels and stories of Frank R. Stockton · 1. The late Mrs. Null.--v. · 2. The Squirrel inn. The Merry Chanter.--v. · 3. Rudder Grange.--v. · 4.
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The Novels and Stories of Frank R. Stockton.: V. 6 ; Language. English ; Publication date. April 27, 2009 ; Dimensions. 8.5 x 0.79 x 11 inches ; ASIN, B002Q4TWTS.