Tragedies, in English Prose: The Oxford Translation. New Ed., Rev. According to the Text of Dindorf
Pirmą kartą išleista: 1849 m.
Autorius: Theodore Alois Buckley
9,95 USD
Tragedies, in English Prose: The Oxford Translation. New Ed., Rev. According to the Text of Dindorf [Buckley, Theodore Alois 1825-1856, Sophocles] on ...
2008-06-02 · Tragedies, in English prose: the Oxford translation. New ed., rev. according to the text of Dindorf. by: Sophocles; Buckley, Theodore Alois, ...
Tragedies, in English Prose: The Oxford Translation. New ed., rev. According to The Text of Dindorf - Hardcover. Buckley, Theodore Alois; Sophocles, Sophocles.
Tragedies, in English Prose: The Oxford Translation. New Ed., Rev. According to the Text of Dindorf - Softcover. Buckley, Theodore Alois 1825-1856. 4.27. 4,914 ...
Theodore Alois Buckley. Author. Tragedies, in English prose: the Oxford translation. New ed., rev. according to the text of Dindorf. 4.3 on Goodreads. (5,020).
Tragedies, in English Prose: The Oxford Translation. New Ed., REV. According to the Text of Dindorf. Sophocles Sophocles, Theodore Alois Buckley. 65,90 . Nabu ...
2024-04-02 · aThe tragedies of Sophocles : bin English prose : the Oxford translation. 250, ⊔, ⊔, aNew ed., rev. according to the text of Dindorf.
Title, Tragedies: in English Prose: The Oxford Translation Harper's classical library ; Author, Sophocles ; Published, 1887 ; Original from, Harvard University.
Trūksta: ed., rev. text
Tragedies, in English Prose The Oxford translation. New ed. , rev. according to the text of Dindorf by Theodore Alois Buckley, Sophocles Sophocles Published ...
Tragedies, in English Prose: The Oxford Translation. New Ed., REV. According to the Text ...