
Carmona - Fulkien Tea

One of my earliest trees and one of my quickest failures!!  I have bought 7 or 8 of these lovely bonsai since 2010 and I have managed to kill them all.  They are a very temperamental species that requires special attention to thrive.  After much research I realised that I was unable to maintain the minimum temperature of 20C and the necessary high light levels.

In my view this is not a tree for novices and it is a shame that it is displayed so readily in garden centres throughout the UK.  If you can keep it alive then it has beautiful small white flowers.

Fulkien Tea Bonsai
Position Pruning / Repot Feeding / Water My Notes
(Indoors) Well lit, sunny window sill with good humidity levels. It thrives in temps of 20 - 25C. No draughts.
Repot: In Spring as the growing season commences. Ensure it is placed into a free draining bonsai mix. Pruning: It has a dense canopy that can be pruned regularly to shape (when healthy)
Water: It doesnt like to wallow in water - and it doesnt like to dry out either. Temperamental is all I can say. Feeding: Solid pellets is best.
Propagation: Greenwood cuttings in Summer. Though I couldn't keep those alive either 🙁

A Basic Guide to Pruning Your Fulkien Tea

A video from Bonsai J in the United States. 

A clear instructional guide that allows you to easily pick up some tips for pruning your Fulkien Tea / Carmona Bonsai. 

At 3.53 the remainder of the video deals with other matters relating to cuttings obtained from Nigel Saunders (The Bonzai Zone) – another great bonsai contributer.
